Truth Table (Table Generator)  
No. of Max Min
Statements 4 2 (P, Q, R ,...)
Logical Symbols 8 1 (⇔, →, ~, ∨, ∧)


1. Even if a statement is repeated several times in a logical statment it is still considered as one.
   Ex:   (P ∧ Q) → ~P   |   2- Statements = (P & Q),   3- Logical Symbols = (∧, →, ~)

2. A statement having a two or more negations in a logical statement is counted as only one symbol.
   Ex:   (~S ∨ Q) → ~S   |   2- Statements = (S & Q),   3- Logical Symbols = (~, ∨, →)

3. A invalid Logical statment cannot generate the table.
Ex: (P ∨ Q) R   | 2- Statements = (P, Q & R),   2- Logical Symbols = (∨, ⇔)

4. Use table head for field names (Statments & Logical Stataments).